The Young and the Restless Daily Recaps for the week of December 4, 2006

Neil and Drucilla legally adopted Devon as their son. Paul resigned from Michael's investigation into the Carmen Mesta case. Jana and Kevin moved into their new apartment together. Gloria received the news that she could no longer use the Abbott name and vowed to get even with Jack and Ashley. Katherine and Jill were about to learn the results of their DNA test.
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Neil and Drucilla legally adopted Devon as their son
Other recaps for
the week of December 4, 2006
Previous Week
November 27, 2006
Following Week
December 11, 2006

Monday, December 4, 2006

Michael and Paul questioned Neil about trash bags and duct tape found stored in Newman Enterprises' breakroom. Neil, a bit confused about the issue, asked why it was so important, since the police couldn't prove an exact match with the tape or the garbage bags from the Dumpster where Carmen's body had been found. Michael explained that the same brand of industrial trash bags had been found in the Dumpster near Carmen's body. Also, the tape was similar to the extra roll of duct tape, which Neil didn't use at Indigo and stored in Newman Enterprises' breakroom. Since the tape and the trash bags were at Newman, and if the batch numbers matched, then it meant that everyone who had worked at Newman with Carmen had had access to those materials. Therefore, Michael added, he was attempting to build reasonable doubt.

Later, Bardwell arrived when summoned to Michael's office. Michael told Bardwell about the pretrial subpoena he was seeking to gather the tape and bags from Newman's breakroom for evidence.

Later, when Michael and Bardwell appeared before the judge in his chambers, Michael explained that the items at Newman Enterprises, a roll of duct tape and industrial trash bags, matched the description of bags and tape detailed in the police report on Carmen Mesta's murder. Also, Michael added, identical plastic trash bags and tape had been confiscated by the police from the Winterses' apartment, as well as from the home of Devon, who was charged with Mesta's murder. Bardwell argued that the items were not evidence because trash bags and duct tape could be found anywhere, but the judge ruled in favor of granting the subpoena, citing that the items specified were to be turned over to an independent lab of Michael's choosing. The judge stated that it was better to test right away and be wrong than to test after the trial and have Michael's theory proven right. If there was a conviction, the judge added, the defendant's subsequent motion for a new trial would have to be granted based on newly discovered evidence.

Paul guarded the evidence as he awaited the judge's ruling then he waited for the lab technicians to collect it for analysis. Dru asked if the evidence could help Devon. Paul explained that it possibly could. Brad walked in and questioned Paul about why he was in the breakroom. When Paul explained, Brad worried that his fingerprints were on the tape. He told Paul he'd used the tape to repair a chair in the office. Paul said he had no choice but to turn over the evidence.

Brad later told Victoria about the possibility of the tape with his fingerprints that could be used as evidence in Carmen's murder case. Victoria told Brad not to worry. However, Brad explained that the last thing he needed was to have Michael digging into his past, and Brad also worried because he had been seen outside of Carmen's suite on the security video. After the evidence was sent to the lab, Paul arranged to submit fiber and fingerprint evidence collected earlier for the lab to use as a comparison to the tape and trash bags taken from Newman Enterprises. Bardwell informed Michael that he would also order identical tests on the evidence, using the same lab.

When Dru told Neil she wanted to send a text message to Devon to tell him about the new evidence that could help his defense, Neil stopped her, since they couldn't be sure it would help. Dru agreed and told Neil that Devon was trying to reach out to Yolanda for support, but he couldn't get in touch with her because Yolanda's phone had been disconnected, and his email to her hadn't been answered. Neil later learned that Yolanda was abusing crack again.

Neil and Dru worried for poor Devon, whose problems seemed to mount up by the day. However, Devon wasn't surprised to hear that his mom was again abusing drugs. He told Neil and Dru that he'd lived with his mother's drug abuse his entire life. Neil and Dru were also concerned that Devon had quit attending classes. Neil and Dru touchingly told Devon that after years of consideration, they wished to legally adopt him.

At the Baldwins' apartment, Gloria read aloud to Lauren an article in a fashion magazine about the probable success of Gloria and her perfume on the Glo line. Gloria beamed when she quoted part of the interview stating that there could be more good things to come from Mrs. John Abbott. Across town at Jabot, Ashley also read the article aloud and lamented to Jill that Gloria was not Mrs. Abbott because her marriage to John wasn't legal. Ashley also pointed out that Gloria always showed up wherever Will Bardwell was and flirted with him. Jill admitted that she had noticed that, but she also urged Ashley to let go of her anger toward Gloria because John did love Gloria.

Later, Gloria recalled the many times that she and Ashley had butted heads over John and business issues. When Ashley later retreated to her office, she received a phone call from the producer of a reality show called Extreme Catwalk. The producer explained that she wished to have Ashley appear on the show as a celebrity judge because she was interested in someone bearing the Abbott name. Ashley turned the offer down flat. Later, however, the producer of the show also called Gloria, who, quite flattered, was quick to accept the offer.

While Korbel and Victoria finalized plans for the museum fundraiser, Victoria noticed that Korbel was reading up on the subject of Nazi looting. He told Victoria that he was readying himself to interview Rebecca on the subject. Korbel quizzed Victoria about which pieces of art Rebecca had owned, places where she had once lived, and even the names she had used in the past. Victoria, however, attempted to evade answering the probing questions by explaining that the professor would have to ask Rebecca the questions himself. Victoria explained that Rebecca was very protective of her work because so much of what had been stolen by the Nazis had never been recovered.

An almost identical probable question-and-answer session took place between Rebecca and Brad in his office about Rebecca's life and work. Rebecca and Brad attempted to create a story that would sound plausible to Professor Korbel during the interview. Brad told his mom that he wished they knew why the Grugeon Reliquary was important enough to kill for and whether Volkmann was working alone or with someone else. Brad admitted that he was worried about the interview because he had no idea what Korbel could ask. Rebecca and Brad disagreed over which maiden name she should use and which town in Italy she should say she was from.

Victoria later told Rebecca that Korbel was quite familiar with Firenze, a town Rebecca had chosen to pretend to be her hometown. When Brad and Victoria realized that convincing Korbel to believe lies would not be easy, especially since Colleen had already exposed many private details of the family's past, the choice was made to cancel the interview. Victoria informed Korbel that Rebecca had become very upset when Victoria had spoken to her about the past. Victoria explained that discussing what had happened had touched off a flood of very unpleasant memories for Rebecca. Korbel seemed quite disappointed.

Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Kevin and Jana were packing up his things and preparing to move to their new apartment. Michael and Lauren talked about ways to keep Fen awake during the day so he could sleep at night. Gloria said she'd stay up with Fen that night because she was too excited to sleep. She was excited about being asked to guest judge on a reality TV fashion show. Amber arrived, and Lauren introduced her to everybody. When Amber talked about not being able to find a job, Lauren offered her one at the boutique.

Jack and Ashley argued about Jabot. Jack exclaimed that he owned it then they realize that Abby had witnessed the whole thing. Sharon saw Noah touching Phyllis' belly for his baby sister, and he was really excited. The moment got to Sharon, as much as she tried to keep it from happening. Nikki and Victor looked at some reports, and they saw that Jack severing ties with Jabot had caused great financial losses for everyone involved.

While visiting with Victor, Abby told him about Jack saying that he owned Jabot. Victor and Nikki talked about what Abby had said, and they realized that Ashley was in on it, too. They talked to Ashley about it, and she continued to cover for Jack. Later on, Nikki served Victor some tea because he was so upset that Ashley had lied right to his face.

Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Devon was amazed that Dru and Neil wanted to adopt him, especially considering all the trouble he was in. When the Winterses went by Michael's, the attorney was touched by their decision to legally adopt Devon. He said that since Devon was 18, it was a formality, and he could draw up the paperwork immediately. Later, Michael conferred with William Bardwell about the new roll of tape found in the Newman Enterprises breakroom. Bardwell finally agreed to fully analyze the tape, but he warned Michael that if it didn't pan out, Michael shouldn't go to him, seeking a plea bargain for Devon.

Paul understood from Michael that he had to do everything possible to divert suspicion from Devon to other suspects. Paul went to Brad to warn him that Michael intended to vigorously pursue other leads. Brad told Paul it was in all of their interests for Paul to head Michael off; otherwise, Brad might be forced to take action to protect his family. Paul said his hands were tied. There was nothing he could do to protect Brad.

Later, Paul and Michael met again. As they were going over the list of suspects, Michael was struck by the way Paul seemed to almost protect Brad. Paul reminded Michael that he'd been an employee of Newman long before he'd begun working on the Devon Hamilton case, and Brad was a Newman shareholder. Michael said that Devon deserved the best possible investigator on his case, and Paul agreed. Paul told Michael that was the reason he'd decided to resign from the case.

When Abby was in the breakroom with Brad, Victoria, and Ashley, they were disappointed to hear that although Abby could celebrate Hanukkah with her father, she would be away with Ashley when Victoria had plans to trim her Christmas tree. When Victoria and Abby left for the club, Brad asked Ashley to reconsider her plans. Ashley admitted that she was angry at him for all the years of lying to her about his mother, but she was especially angry that he'd asked Abby to lie to her. Brad apologized again, and Ashley said she'd consider changing her plans so Abby could spend Christmas Eve with Victoria and Brad. Brad said that Ashley could join them, too.

Victoria ran into her parents at the club. While Abby went to find Gina, and Nikki went to speak to Katherine, Victoria talked to her father. Victor told her that he had some ideas about replacing Jabot products with Newman products at NVP. When Jack overheard him, he decided that Victor might be more involved at Newman than he was leading Jack to believe.

Nikki wanted Victor to confront Jack immediately with the information they'd gotten from Abby about Jack saying he owned Jabot. Victor was more interested in biding his time until exactly the right moment to go after Jack. Victor was still disappointed that Ashley had lied to him. Later, Nikki overheard Jack talking on the phone. She warned Victor that Jack might not be entirely convinced that Victor wasn't up to something. When Nikki ran into Ashley in the breakroom, she made a few comments about Jack no longer being part of Jabot and what effect that had on Ashley. Ashley played it cool and evaded Nikki's questions.

Victor decided to throw Jack off his track by getting him involved in Japanese flower arranging. Victor told Jack it would help him achieve a harmonious balance and stop him from worrying about things that didn't matter, like who owned Jabot. After a session with Victor, Jack sought out Ashley and told her that he'd been wrong -- Victor was as weird as ever. Ashley looked up and saw Victor standing outside the door. When he merely smiled and waved at her before walking away, Ashley got a thoughtful look on her face, obviously understanding Victor better than Jack did. Meanwhile, Victor returned to his office and dumped his flower arrangement in the trash can.

After talking to Jack about her frustrations over NVP's break with Jabot, Jill stormed into her house and found Katherine distracted again by her dreams. Katherine admitted that she'd talked to Nikki earlier, and Nikki thought it was all guilt over giving Jill up or worry about Jill's future. Both women finally admitted something they'd wondered about. They only had Charlotte's word for it that Jill was the child Katherine had given up. Although they'd long since made peace with being mother and daughter -- and didn't want things to go back to the way they'd been -- they decided to get a DNA test to settle the matter once and for all. Perhaps in that way, they could unlock the secrets of the dreams that were haunting Katherine.

Dru and Neil stayed in the room with Devon when his implants were put in place. For a while, he could only make out a word or two the doctor was saying behind his back. But when Dru nearly broke down in tears and told Neil she needed to leave the room before Devon figured out how upset she was, Devon heard her. Dru and Neil were thrilled when Devon began to indicate that he could hear them.

Neil and Drucilla's adoption of Devon becomes official

Neil and Drucilla's adoption of Devon becomes official

Thursday, December 7, 2006

At Michael and Lauren's apartment, Lauren was stunned when Michael informed her that Paul had quit Carmen's murder investigation due to a conflict of interest. Michael lamented that he had a client charged with murder but no investigator. Amber arrived, and Lauren told Michael that she was going to take Amber to the boutique that night. Michael wondered what to do about Fen, since Michael had an appointment at the Winterses' home. Lauren decided to take Fen to work with her.

Gloria entered the room and excitedly announced that the late edition of the newspaper had printed an article about how she was going to appear as a guest judge on a reality show. Gloria bragged that Kevin had gotten the email address of an entertainment reporter, and she'd seen nothing wrong with a little self-promotion.

At Newman Enterprises, Devon pushed a mail cart down the hallway. "Booyah!" Neil playfully called out from behind, but he became concerned when Devon didn't react. Devon turned around with a smile and teased Neil for the lame attempt to get his attention. Neil admitted that he'd thought the implant hadn't been working for a second. Devon joked that he could hear just fine -- unless Neil was asking him to put in overtime. They hugged.

Meanwhile, at the Winterses' house, Dru happily told Sharon about the restoration of Devon's hearing and their family's plan to officially adopt Devon. Sharon was thrilled for them. Dru gushed that she hadn't been that happy in forever.

Later, Michael stopped by to get signatures on some documents to legalize Devon's adoption. Sharon prepared to get going, but Dru insisted that she stay because Sharon was part of the family. Neil checked with Devon to make sure he was ready to do it, and Devon enthused that he definitely was. Dru, Neil, and Devon signed the paperwork, and Dru declared it a good day.

Michael explained that once he filed the papers, there would be a meeting with a judge as a formality, and he intended to get it on the calendar as quickly as possible. Michael headed out, and Neil asked how Devon felt. Devon apologized for thinking about his mom, who'd thrown away her shot at being a mother by not staying away from drugs. Neil recognized that Yolanda hadn't been strong enough because she hadn't believed in herself, but Dru had faith that Devon could break the cycle. Neil and Dru insisted that they were proud of Devon.

At Crimson Lights, Jill and Katherine anxiously waited for the DNA test results that would conclusively prove whether they were related. Katherine insisted that no matter what, Jill would always be her daughter. Katherine assured Jill that the hospital would call soon with the results. Esther overheard and panicked that something was wrong. Katherine insisted that it was just something routine. Jill grumbled that it was none of Esther's business.

Katherine met with Paul on the patio. She mentioned that she'd taken his suggestion to put a pad and pencil next to her bed, and she'd sketched a ring that she'd seen in a dream. Paul asked if she had such a ring, but she hadn't been able to find it. He offered to look into it, but she instructed him to hold off.

Esther said she had to get to the boutique to pick up a few things on Kate's Christmas list. Esther marveled at how lucky she was to have a daughter. Katherine insisted that she and Jill join Esther, but Jill muttered that she wasn't in the mood. Katherine firmly told Jill to meet them in the car, and Jill caved in.

Across the coffeehouse, Korbel interrupted Colleen and J.T. and hoped to go over some ideas for the benefit with Colleen. J.T. stepped aside to talk to Paul, who said he'd been just about to call to report that he'd quit working on the murder case. J.T. wondered if Paul was just quitting the one case but still working with Michael. Paul figured that he'd find out the next day when he put his key in the door and found out whether Michael had changed the locks.

Colleen joined the men, threw her keys down on the table, and complained that Korbel had just assumed that she was dying to work. J.T. pointed out that she could have said no, and he asked for a moment longer with Paul. Colleen left to run some errands before her work shift.

Paul understood why Michael was upset with him, but he'd needed to bail on the case because things had been getting too complicated. J.T. asked why Paul didn't look relieved. Paul confided that his gut told him that Devon hadn't committed the murder, but Bardwell thought he had his man. Paul questioned why the D.A. hadn't investigated more, and he suspected that Carmen's killer was about to get away with murder. Paul added that he might not be working for Michael anymore, but it didn't mean he couldn't still work on the case.

J.T. eagerly wanted to be part of it, and he wondered where they'd start. Paul wanted to be sure Brad was telling the truth, since he didn't want a repeat of what had happened in Cleveland. Paul recalled that Brad had killed two men that they knew of, and he refused to keep quiet if Brad had been involved in Carmen's death.

At the Abbott mansion, Jack and Ashley were furious when they saw the article about Gloria appearing as a judge on Extreme Catwalk, representing the Abbott name as John's widow. Ashley criticized the show and shared that they'd called her to be a judge, but she'd turned them down. Ashley objected to Gloria representing Jabot or the Abbott name, and Jack ranted that John and Gloria's marriage hadn't even been valid. He refused to let Gloria embarrass their family by going on national television and making a spectacle of herself.

At the boutique, Lauren swaddled baby Fen as she introduced Amber to Lily, who recognized Amber from seeing her with Korbel at the coffeehouse. Gloria entered and offered to take the baby, and Lauren accused her mother-in-law of checking up on her. Lauren was placated when Gloria shared that she needed a new wardrobe for her upcoming television appearance.

Lauren was surprised when Gloria wanted to go with more subtle styles. Lauren suggested a suit, and Gloria went to try it on. Katherine, Jill, and Esther arrived, and they fawned over the baby. Lauren introduced Amber as a friend from L.A., and Amber recognized the Chancellor name because the Forresters had talked about Katherine all the time. Katherine referred to Eric and Stephanie, and Amber revealed that she'd once been a Forrester. Michael stopped by to take Fen home.

Later, at home, Michael called Neil and Dru to let them know that the judge had had a cancellation and could hear their case that night. Neil jumped at the chance to take care of it right away. Michael told Fen that it was the tot's turn to go to work with Daddy.

Ashley called Gloria and insisted that they meet at the coffeehouse to talk about Jabot. Lauren answered a call from Neil, who was looking for Lily. Lily learned about the adoption hearing and asked Lauren if she could leave work to go. Lauren implored Lily to be there, and Lily left. Amber raved about Lauren's great taste, but Lauren suddenly said she had to go home. Over Amber's protests, Lauren rushed out, leaving Amber to tend to customers and close the store on her own.

At the courthouse, Neil thanked the judge for hearing them that late. The judge determined that everything appeared to be in order, and she saw no reason to deny the petition, but she had a few questions. She asked Devon how his biological parents would feel about Neil and Dru adopting him. Devon admitted that he hadn't seen his father since he'd been a little kid and that his mother had a drug problem. He was sure that his mom loved him, but she couldn't be the kind of parent she wanted to be; she knew he was better off with Dru and Neil. Devon added that he already felt like Dru and Neil were his parents.

Lily arrived as the hearing was wrapping up. The judge congratulated the Winters family, and she headed home. Neil, Dru, Devon, Lily, and Sharon cheered and hugged. Neil suggested that they go celebrate, and Dru invited Michael to call Lauren to join them. Michael agreed to take the baby home and check to see if his wife could get away from work.

Gloria showed up at Crimson Lights and considered it an ambush when she saw that both Jack and Ashley were there. Jack mentioned that they'd seen the story about Gloria appearing on television, and Ashley lectured that Gloria should have gone to them before agreeing to do the show as an Abbott representative. Gloria asserted that she was a member of the Abbott family. Ashley divulged that she'd turned down the chance to be a judge because it wasn't the kind of program Jabot should be associated with.

Gloria disagreed, citing the show as one of the hottest ones on television. Jack figured that Gloria loved the show because it was crass. Gloria countered that it was creative and exciting. Jack nicely asked her not to do the show. Gloria maintained that she'd made her decision, and the producers wanted her. Jack contended that the show just wanted the Abbott name. Gloria declared that she was just as proud of the name as Jack and Ashley were.

At the Abbott mansion, Jack and Ashley met with a lawyer. They agreed that they had to move quickly to make sure Gloria got served before the show taped. Jack and Ashley sipped Champagne and toasted to finally erasing Gloria from the Abbott family.

At the Athletic Club, Bardwell informed Maggie that he'd decided to prosecute Neil and Dru for lying to the grand jury. Bardwell complained that Michael was doing his best to send him on a wild goose chase, and he prepared to swing by the courthouse to finish some paperwork. He stressed his intent to convict Neil and Dru of perjury.

Paul ordered a beer at the bar, and Maggie approached and told the bartender to make it two. She assured Paul that she was off duty, but he observed that it hadn't looked like it when she'd been meeting with Bardwell a few minutes earlier. She jokingly asked if Paul had been spying, and she wondered if he'd seen anything interesting.

Paul and Maggie swapped stories about their dads both being cops. Paul mused that his father had known from day one what he'd wanted to do, and Maggie asked if Paul had been the same way. Paul admitted that it had taken a while to find his path.

Maggie inquired whether Paul was still working on the Mesta murder, but he revealed that he was off the case. She asked if he'd been fired, but he responded that he had a lot going on and needed to ease up. She sensed that he'd quit for another reason, and he insinuated that he might tell her what that reason had been if she gave him her phone number. She flirtatiously replied that if he told her why, she might just give him her number.

At the courthouse, Michael ran into Bardwell in the hallway. Michael asked if there had been any word on the unidentified fingerprints, and Bardwell replied that there had been no update. Michael paused to answer a call, and a frantic Lauren reported that the baby wasn't at home. Michael informed her that Fen was with him, and she pressured him to take the baby home. After Michael hung up, Bardwell presented him with some paperwork about taking the perjury case to trial.

Michael returned home, and Lauren fussed over Fen. Michael swore that the baby was fine, and he expressed concern about her. She picked up the baby and claimed that she'd just missed her son, and Michael asked if she'd missed him. Lauren demanded to know where Michael had been, and he explained that he'd been finalizing Devon's adoption at the courthouse.

Michael suggested that he and Lauren join the adoption celebration at the Athletic Club, but Lauren declined, noting that Fen had been out a lot that day. She encouraged Michael to go, and he reluctantly agreed to put in a brief appearance without her. He kissed her and Fen and headed out. Lauren clucked that she didn't like not knowing where Fen was, and she promised that it would never happen again.

Back at the Athletic Club, J.T. handed Colleen the keys she'd left behind at the coffeehouse. She glanced over at the bar, where Korbel was talking with the bartender. Colleen huffed that Korbel had made it sound like he'd had something important to do instead of working with her. J.T. said he was taking off, but Colleen remained preoccupied with Korbel.

Korbel ordered another drink, and Amber joined him and told the bartender to put it on her tab. He cautioned that she shouldn't be buying him drinks when she didn't have a job herself, but she announced that she was working part-time at Fenmore's boutique. He asked what she would be doing with her free time, and, as a glowering Colleen looked on, Amber wondered if there was any spare room in his art history course.

Gina led the Winters party to a table and congratulated them on Devon's adoption. Sharon presented Dru with an "It's a Boy" plaque, and Devon handed Neil and Dru gift bags with dad- and mom-themed mugs inside. Michael arrived with apologies for being late, and he passed along Lauren's congratulations. Neil sensed that something was wrong, but Michael opted not to talk about it. Neil pressured Michael to tell them if it had something to do with Devon. Michael reluctantly revealed that Bardwell wanted to take the perjury case to trial immediately.

Across the room, Esther was star-struck when she spotted Sylvia Brown, a famous psychic. Gina overheard and encouraged Esther to say hello, but Esther was reluctant. Later, Gina led Sylvia over, and Esther introduced herself as a huge fan. Esther recalled seeing Sylvia on a talk show, helping a woman whose father had died before she'd had a chance to say, "I love you." Sylvia considered it a gift to be able to help people.

Katherine implied that Esther should let Sylvia get back to her dinner, and Sylvia seemed to blank out for a moment. Sylvia suggested that Katherine invest in a new pair of shoes. Jill ushered Sylvia back to her table, but Sylvia suddenly stopped and warned Jill to be very careful, since a predatory female was out to get the man Jill had been seeing.

Esther was excited to have met Sylvia, but Katherine called the psychic stuff "hooey." Esther wondered what Sylvia had said to Jill, but Jill claimed it had been nothing. Katherine stood up to leave, and the heel of her shoe broke. Katherine stared at her broken shoe as Esther marveled that it was just like Sylvia had predicted. Jill rushed out.

At Crimson Lights, Gloria asked Bardwell if he'd heard of Extreme Catwalk, since she was going to be on the show. He seemed clueless, and she questioned whether he ever watched TV. He supposed that he'd done so when he'd had spare time a decade earlier. She purred that he had many things to learn, and she invited him to have a seat while she told him all about it.

Gloria returned home and found Lauren snoozing on the couch with Fen in her arms. Gloria ordered Lauren to get some rest while Gloria took care of Fen. Lauren made Gloria promise that she wouldn't go anywhere, and she hesitantly handed the baby over. Lauren told Fen that she'd be in the next room, and she exited.

Gloria excitedly told Fen that his grandma would be on television, and she thought John would be proud. The doorbell rang, and she set down the baby and answered the door, where a man served her with papers. Gloria opened the envelope and found a temporary restraining order to cease and desist using the Abbott name.

Friday, December 8, 2006

Michael looked over the cease and desist order from Jack and Ashley that would stop Gloria from using the Abbott name. He said he'd begin fighting it immediately. Gloria was glad that she at least had the Extreme Catwalk show to look forward to -- then she received a package from the show. They didn't want her to be a judge while she was in litigation with Jabot. Gloria left for Jabot to confront the Abbotts.

Michael wanted to take Lauren out for their anniversary. He said Kevin and Jana could take care of Fen. Lauren agreed. After Michael left, Lauren got ready to go out with Fen. But when she reached the door, she was unable to walk through it. She decided maybe they'd go out another day. As Fen began to cry, Lauren paced through the apartment, overwhelmed by her fear and frustration.

At Crimson Lights, Detective Sullivan was interested in why Jana was so curious about Carmen's murder. Jana said it was the most exciting thing that had happened in Genoa City in a long time. Sullivan then wondered if Jana had noticed Carmen's car parked outside the coffee shop on the day of Carmen's murder. Jana said she had no idea what kind of car Carmen drove, but Kevin overheard and said he knew. Neither of them had noticed either Carmen or her car, however.

Later, Paul entered Crimson Lights and joined Detective Sullivan for a cup of coffee. After a little flirtatious banter, Sullivan told him about the tip that Carmen's car had been at Crimson Lights. Paul called Michael and asked him to head to the coffee shop. When Michael heard Paul's news, it only made him more suspicious of Paul's motives for withdrawing from the case. Sullivan, too, thought it odd that Paul was no longer working on Devon's case. Meanwhile, Kevin found it odd that Jana was keeping a scrapbook on Carmen's murder. He pointed out that it was what serial killers did, and Jana laughingly agreed.

Katherine and Jill were still awaiting the results of their DNA test when Jill got a call from the Extreme Catwalk people. They invited her to be a judge for their show, and Katherine urged her to do it. Later, Jill was alone when Gloria stormed into her office. Gloria had intercepted mail to Jill and found out Jill was judging the show. She told Jill that she'd been asked first and desperately wanted to do it, but she'd lost the opportunity because of Jack and Ashley. Jill was surprised to hear about the court order against Gloria.

Jill confronted Ashley about what she and Jack were doing to Gloria. She wondered if Ashley also thought Jill didn't deserve to use the Abbott name. Ashley said that Jill had been married to her father, and Jill would also be a credit to Jabot if she were a judge on Extreme Catwalk. Gloria wasn't a good representative. When Katherine returned later, Jill said she'd lost her taste for doing the show. Before she could explain everything to Katherine, a call came from the lab. The results were in from the DNA test. Even though Katherine had repeatedly assured Jill that no matter what, she still considered Jill her daughter, Jill was nervous about the impending news.

Gloria tried, without success, to reach Jack on her phone. Then, she spotted Ashley getting on the elevator at Jabot. Ashley let the elevator doors close between them because she wasn't interested in talking to Gloria. Gloria followed Ashley to the Abbott house and forced a confrontation. Ashley wouldn't back down from her wish that Gloria stop using the Abbott name. Gloria said that was fine; Ashley and Jack would get to see what a great job Gloria could do dragging that name through the mud.

Michael made arrangements with Gina to surprise Lauren with a romantic anniversary dinner at the club, and it would include flowers. When he got home and found Lauren on the couch and Fen asleep, he didn't realize that Lauren was nearing an emotional breakdown. He thought her desire to stay in because she was tired seemed reasonable, so he canceled the plans with Gina. Gina wondered if something was wrong in the Baldwin household.

Phyllis still hadn't gone into labor, so she drank an herbal tea made with a recipe she had found online. Unfortunately, she had an allergic reaction to it, and Nick had to take her to the hospital. The doctor ran tests and determined that everything was fine with the baby. However, he was going to monitor Phyllis carefully, and if the baby showed any sign of being in distress or losing weight in the womb, they would induce labor. Phyllis felt bad because she'd only been thinking of her desire to no longer be pregnant instead of whether that meant everything was okay with their daughter. Nick assured her that she was not a terrible person.

Recaps for the week of December 11, 2006 (Following Week)


Poppy is arrested for murder on The Bold and The Beautiful
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